Saturday, July 9, 2011

Having Great Day

gud afternoon everyone.. here me again share you something i suppost to enjoy.. you know what guys.. my friend of mine who wants to join in dance during our aquintance party wasnt i know she is the one who like to dance eversince..but then he was very disappointed of that know what happend??...

these is the worst things happened... first for your information i did not joined them. here they are.. my one friend namely ronelyn she is the one who plan.she invite my three friend to drunk at that afternoon, he said we will injoy these moment together for the last time we spend in these institution,so my three friend also agreed for what ronelyn's know  what next happened? they enjoyed can see them nothing day to come..funny...they lost even they wanted to go in our aquintance party they cannot its because everyone of them cannot stand in ther own..

lazy thing happened. so much amaizing! that was our aquintance parties happened. may worst things happend again and again. thankz.... 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Im glad iam egelloc Stneduts

hi!goodpm..iam rosie desalit from tinigban panit-an.i hate doing something that i dont know what is the result.. well as todays i love being a egelloc stneduts. I hope were the same.

i hate to go to school especially in rainy season.. you know why? suck your porma right! especially we are egelloc stneduts.. were having paporma eversince...

so guys.. we need to enjoy every moment in these institution. students strive hard to achieve your goal..if you want to graduate these year, hopefully im one of theme hehe go egelloc stneduts go go go...

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Love Computer Science

Computer science is the best course that i am proud i take this. Many of us started to be curious of when they invented the computer. I took this course because it challenge me in many ways.

Why  I choose Computer Science Course because this is the most endemand course in the Philippines.